Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Sample [application-name] Section
Sample [application-name] Section

The following are examples of an [application-name] section in the jadehttp.ini file for application types specified by the ApplicationType parameter.

ApplicationType = WebEnabledForms
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 20000
ConnectionGroup = CompanyForms
MinInUse        = 1
MaxInUse        = 5
CloseDelay      = 600
ApplicationType = RestServices
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 27000
MinInUse        = 5
MaxInUse        = 20
CloseDelay      = 600
ApplicationType = WebServices
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 21000
MinInUse        = 5
MaxInUse        = 15
CloseDelay      = 600
TcpConnection2  = Host2a
TcpPort2        = 21001
MinInUse2       = 5
MaxInUse2       = 15
CloseDelay2     = 600
ApplicationType = HtmlDocuments
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 22000
MinInUse        = 2
MaxInUse        = 10
CloseDelay      = 600
TcpConnection2  = Host2a
TcpPort2        = 22001
MinInUse2       = 2
MaxInUse2       = 10
CloseDelay2     = 600